Here is Anngwyn's 4th Book. Click to find it on
"Trauma: Time, Space and Fractals" by Anngwyn St. Just
Now Available on Interview on Conscious Connection
Please Note:
"A Question of Balance", "Equilibrio relativo en un mundo inestable" and "Trauma: una cuestion de equilibrio" are all now available in Kindle editions."Equilibrio relativo en un mundo inestable" will appear in a second edition early in 2011 |
Now Available:
"Trauma: Tiempo, Espacio y Fractales" por Anngwyn St. Just |
Now Available on
Review by John Bilorusky
Interview on Conscious Connection
A QUESTION OF BALANCE A Systemic Approach to Understanding and Resolving TraumaAnngwyn St. Just A Question of Balance A Systemic Approach to Understanding and Resolving Trauma 240 pages, Paperback, 2009, USD 14,99 ISBN 978-1439201374 |
"Again, Dr. St. Just uses her laser-like insights into the heart of the inherent and myriad complexities of healing trauma. Her many years of expertise and clinical skills in mining the depths of both somatic and systemic perspectives to reveal the trans-generational implications of one's personal trauma history, as well as the significant interconnections that we all share with known and unknown others. A Question of Balance provides a genuinely new, leading edge contribution to the field of traumatology. Highly recommended for anyone interested in understanding and resolving overwhelming life experiences. A perfect companion for Peter Levine's Waking the Tiger. Healing Trauma".
Diane Poole Heller Ph.D.
Senior Faculty for Somatic Experiencing Trainings
Healing Attachment Seminars and author of Crash Course: A Self-Healing Guide to Auto Accident and Trauma Recovery.
"This is the book I have been waiting for! Anngwyn St. Just has brought key strands of knowledge and practice that contribute to a systemic world view of trauma, together with innovative methods she has developed in search of resolution. Supported by fascinating case studies and examples from recent history, she sheds light on the deep coherence that lies behind the tenacity of much trauma as it cascades down and through the generations. By drawing on scientists and practitioners as diverse as Einstein and Sheldrake, Böszörmenyi-Nagy, Schützenberger and Hellinger, Anngwyn demonstrates, at the level of the soul, both our deep interconnectedness, commitment to balance, and our unconscious loyalties that stimulate painful repetition. She guides the reader toward a focus on resources and the restoration of dignity to both victims and perpetrators and to look beyond the individual or even the family to the unfinished business of war and other major calamities. This book widens the base of compassion and competence, for all who are concerned with the healing of trauma."
Judith Hemming, Gestalt therapist, trainer and co-founder of The Center for the Study of Intimate and Social Systems. UK. Download the Abstract here!
Read the excellent review of this book by Francesca Mason Boring, writer facilitator and trainer from the Shoshone Tribe. Download the review here!
RELATIVE BALANCE IN AN UNSTABLE WORLD A Search for New Models for Trauma Education and RecoveryAnngwyn St. Just Relative Balance in an Unstable World A Search for New Models for Trauma Education and Recovery 174 pages, Paperback, 2006, € 22,95/USD 26,95 ISBN 3-89670-540-7 |
"The time has come", writes Anngwyn St. Just "to expand our understanding of trauma to include the kinds of overwhelm that extend beyond a traumatized individual. If we are to meet oncoming challenges of natural and man-made disasters, war, terrorism and other forms of violence, new paradigms are needed." Dr. St. Just urges her readers to awaken to a realization that trauma is a global issue and to an urgent need to develop international, culturally appropriate, cost effective trauma education and recovery programs based upon easily transmitted concepts. This book offers a compelling invitation to expand current concepts of trauma to include Nature, shamanic wisdom, cross cultural, non verbal, body oriented methods and an appreciation for the healing power of community.
"A rare combination of autobiography and scientific research at its best! I am now inspired to investigate connections, ideas, concepts and possibilities for individual healing and constructive social change that I would not otherwise have recognized."
John Bilorusky, Ph.D., President, Western Institute for Social Research, Berkeley, California.
"At a time when individual and collective exposure to trauma is becoming ubiquitious, Anngwyn St. Just brings us resources to help us all find Relative Balance in an Unstable World. In this extraordinary volume, Dr. St. Just takes us on a quest that goes from craggy mountains, where the winds cry with the pain of forgotten soldiers, to the tides of the oceans that carry the rhythms of the deep Feminine. In an adventure that flows between her deep personal history of war and the collective experience in the United States and the former Soviet Union, the author gathers resources to help us deal with inevitable trauma: nature, the body, the feminine, resilience, relative balance, and our innate capacity to grow, rather than break, from our most overwhelming experiences."Ed Schmookler, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Berkeley CA,
Author of Trauma Treatment Manual 1996 and Recovery 9-1-1.
Please Note:
"A Question of Balance", "Equilibrio relativo en un mundo inestable" and "Trauma: una cuestion de equilibrio" are all now available in Kindle editions."Equilibrio relativo en un mundo inestable" will appear in a second edition early in 2011 |
Trauma: una cuestión de equilibrio
Anngwyn St. Just
Trauma: una cuestión de equilibrio
Un abordaje sistémico para la comprensión y resolución
ISBN 978-9871522095
Click here to buy the book - Compre aquì!
Equilibrio relativo en un mundo inestable. Una investigación sobre Educación de Traumas y Recuperación.Anngwyn St. Just Ed. Alma Lepik, Buenes Aires / Argentina ISBN 978-987-23174-7-8 |
Este libro, una narración autobiográfica que surge de un campo personal para abarcar un entorno mayor, es un ejemplo de respeto e integración: el trabajo con el trauma y su sanación requiere una mirada global que abarque no sólo aspectos psicológicos, sino también aspectos sociales, ambientales y culturales. De ahí la importancia que la autora concede a la Naturaleza, a la sabiduría chamánica, a los métodos multiculturales verbales y no verbales, al trabajo corporal y al poder sanador de la comunidad.
Por la pluralidad de aspectos que toca, esta lectura representa una invitación para ampliar los conceptos habituales del trabajo con los traumas, al tiempo que guía al lector hacia una comprensión más profunda del concepto de trauma personal y social.
Al leer el texto recordé un taller con Bert Hellinger en Moscú, en 2001. En esa ocasión Anngwyn había invitado al algunas personas a acompañarla durante una visita a un centro de rehabilitación para víctimas de traumas causados por la guerra con Afganistán, ubicado a las afueras de Moscú y en el que había trabajado años antes. Como invitados de ella y de sus colegas rusos también tuvimos el honor de participar en una visita a la profundidad de los bosques, lugar considerado "límite chamánico" en el que la sanación parece desplegarse de manera orgánica. Los rusos que se encontraban allí comprendían que las "conexiones truncas" obran con el poder y la sabiduría de un campo inteligente e interactivo. La Naturaleza, la comunidad, la comida, conversaciones profundas y música creaban las condiciones perfectas, como Anngwyn describe certeramente en su libro.
A toda persona que haya vivido un trauma profundo o asista a otros en la búsqueda de soluciones sanadoras, le recomiendo este libro. Proporciona equilibrio y conexión con la tierra para que podamos comprender y trabajar con traumas.
Jutta ten Herkel
Soziales Trauma. Balance finden in einer unsicheren WeltAnngwyn St. Just 255 Seiten, Kösel Verlag/Random House München, Gebundene Ausgabe 2005 € 21,95 ISBN 3-46630-688-4 |
Mit der Tsunami-Flutwelle wurde eine ganze Region in Südostasien traumatisiert. Und auch Katastrophen wie die Anschläge vom 11. September haben nicht nur Individuen, sondern ganze Gemeinschaften, ja ganze Nationen erschüttert. Ein soziales Trauma ist die Folge. Anngwyn St. Just, eine der renommiertesten Trauma-Therapeutinnen, zeigt, wie sie traumatisierte Menschen (etwa missbrauchte Frauen, Kriegsveteranen, Flüchtlinge) aus der inneren Fixierung herausholt und sie wieder in die Balance zurückbringt. Dabei spielen die Arbeit in der Natur sowie nonverbale und kinästhetische Erfahrungen eine zentrale Rolle. Ihre kreativen Behandlungskonzepte zeigen: Auch nach einem kollektiven Verlust des Gleichgewichts können traumatische Erschütterungen integriert werden.
"Ein faszinierendes Buch – eine seltene Kombination von anschaulicher persönlicher Erfahrung und fachlichem Inhalt. Trauma ist nicht nur individuell, Trauma und seine Lösung sind eingebettet in Gesellschaft, Kultur und Nation."
Dr. Bertold Ulsamer, Autor
"Es ist wohltuend zu lesen, wie die Autorin das schwierige Thema „soziales Trauma“ auf so kreative und weibliche Art vermittelt. Aus meiner Arbeit als systemisch arbeitende Ärztin kann ich nur bestätigen, was Dr. Anngwyn St.Just über die tiefen Zusammenhänge in Familien-Systemen beschreibt: Jedes Trauma ist systemisch." Ilse Kutschera, Autorin
"Anngwyn St.Just deckt faszinierende Zusammenhänge auf, die viele von uns übersehen oder nicht beachten. Ihre zutiefst berührende Arbeit vermittelt Einsichten und zeigt kreative Wahlmöglichkeiten auf für all die Menschen, die von den Folgen der ethno-politischen Kriege, von Grausamkeiten und Hass, die Teil unserer Zeitgeschichte sind, betroffen sind."
Dr. Peter Levine, Autor